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First light for US 'laser jumbo'

"The US military has carried out the first test-firing of a laser weapon system housed aboard a 747 plane. "

Category: Weapons


Iran 'fires second space rocket'

"Iran says it has launched its second space rocket, the Kavosh 2, in a successful follow-up to the first launch in February... ...Iran denies that its long-range ballistic technology is linked to its atomic programme."

Category: Space, Weapons


Deadly pilotless aircraft that have helped fuel anti-American feeling in tribal belt

Pilotless "drone" aircraft deliver a silent, deadly payload that has proved effective in killing militants, but has also killed civilians when intelligence goes awry or in "collateral damage" from a successful strike.

Category: Weapons


Technology sets sights on piracy

"Long-Range Audio Device (L-RAD) and Magnetic Acoustic Device (MAD) are pieces of equipment that many ships are now starting to deploy. Classified as a 'non lethal' weapon they create a beam of sound that can travel far further...

Category: Weapons


US Supreme Court allows sonar use

The US Supreme Court has removed restrictions on the navy's use of sonar in training exercises near California. The ruling is a defeat for environmental groups who say the sonar can kill whales and other mammals.

Category: Weapons

Displaying results 71 to 75 out of 125